Well, it's a miserable wet Saturday afternoon, and I suddenly thought, I didn't put this out last week. Sorry I was away watching a body building contest in Napier. It was pretty amazing I have to say, never been to one of them before. My friend Mel won her class, so that was an even bigger bonus.. Then when I got back I headed straight to Auckland to pick my bike up from my auto leccie mate Paul, and then took the bike to Tim Stewart at Moto Benzina for the final install and tune. So hopefully I should have both the Guzzi and the Kawasaki back in the fold very soon. I pushed the button on the garage yesterday as well, what a FUCKING MISSION. It is little wonder that things don't get done. The red tape, resource consents, structural engineers, electrical engineers, Geo-Tech engineers, Health and Safety inspectors, I'm $26K in the hole before I even get around to a building consent and getting a garage. But progress has been made and very shortly I should have a garage. So all in all it's been pretty busy, I think I need a holiday away from all of this. But hey summer is just around the corner, and the talk amongst the lads is all about rides. We have another East cape ride coming up soon, and I am thinking of taking the Guzzi on a South island ride as I have not past that way in a couple of years. But that's a summer ride. Anyways enough I hear you say, here we go, here's this weeks blog for you all to enjoy.

Interesting Photo angle.
If they build it, I will buy.
I know, I have a lot of these on here, but you just have to love them.
Nice to see one, but two, well thats passion personified.
I'd never buy one, I always thought that they were too heavy, but they look ok in this image
Where every self respecting Diavel should be
Me likey
These always looked like a bit of a whale as well, but they went OK in the 6 hours
The Bike Shed in London, is a wonderful place to go, they even let your bikes in the coffee shop
Absolutely bonkers
The Bike Shed in California looks to be a cool place to go
When you have too much winter evenings on your hands, you build a model, love this work
My old mate paul, on the 916Sp running it in somewhere around the East cape. Image M Breen
How about a cafe that has just motorcycle parks, you'd have to go wouldn't you
It's called weld porn
The Bike Shed California
Now this gets very very busy
One way to increase your stroke I suppose
You can buy Titanium 888 frames too.
Tidy wee thang
I seem to recall it's called Tetanus haha, that looks about right
A Porsche 917 chassis. Make it light
Oh yes, you handsome thing you
So you ride a bike, an Italian bike, even better