Sunday 19 May 2024

When you are honest you lose people who don't deserve you. That was a little adage that came across my desk the other morning. It has meaning to me and is particularly poignant to my life. 

So here we are again, another posting and another fantastic collection of motorcycles and stunning life styles. It never ceases to amaze me the never ending images that get posted up to the net. And I am only to pleased to gather a collection of these for your viewing and hopefully enjoyment. On a personal note my drug trials seem to be heading in the right direction, it's been affecting my brain power a bit it has to be said, or is that just an age thing, I dont know. But my bloods are looking better, I have no idea but that's what the specialists are saying, so I'll go with that. Been for a few autumn rides and am really enjoying the Guzzi, it seems to get better and better. Got a few multistradas in the shed for sale which is good. God they are a stinking motorcycle. I thought my one was good, but I've got a 2016 with the DVT set up and it's low down grunt is just phenomenal. So Ive got two for sale a 2016, and a 2013 S model, if anyone is interested in checking them out. Just call me for images and details if your keen. The 2016 is 15K with 20k on the clock and is mint and I mean mint. The other one, well I'm not to sure if I will sell this one and sell my own personal one instead. That's a 2012 and just had to full Desmo service so 2K spent on that. These are perhaps in my opinion the best bikes for touring this country, two up or loaded with luggage they just go so well and can take on most roads in this country with ease. Anyways give me a call if your interested. Images are below in the blog. I had a friend buy a 'barn find' Ducati GT last week, so in the past two years we have found 2 within about 20 kilometers of one another. One is nearly complete and the other is still a long ways off even being started. I might have to have a look around and see if I can get one for myself. I could do with another GT in my life.


Well done lads, nothing like a bevel on it's tail.

Viewers always ask me "why the photos of food?". Well in answer to that it is one of life's great pastimes, sitting down with friends and breaking bread with friends , so to speak. Good food is like fine wine, you have to dive in and enjoy these things. travelling out on the roads as we do, I am always on the hunt for great food.


Now it's been a while since a Japanese motorcycle has caught my eye, and I have to say this Yamaha has done that. I love the look of this bike.
But then you go back to the Euros of the 80's and 90's and they were doing it right way back then

Seems to spend a fair bit of time racing towards the back of the pack.

I sometimes feel like this is me, did I miss the ride? is there something more out there?

Had one exactly the same, loved that TS.

I'm a sucker for great carving, this is amazing.

There's just something about the Paso that I just really like

I didn't know they has cell phones back then

Ahhhh just so lovely, simple, clean and easy to work on.

Thud!!!!! What the fuck was that, shit I have a headache for some reason. Haha

My friend Dallas had this bike back in the day. Apparently he didn't race it that much, but it went round and round the traps through various hands and ended up back here in NZ. It sure is a lovely motorcycle. Only 4 Kawasaki McIntosh's were made.

This one is the one I might keep for myself, the only reason is that it has luggage and I miss that on the my other one. But I might just sell it once I get to actually see the bike and ride it. If i do it will be $13-$14k

This is the 2016 model and I want $14990 for this beauty. It's done 20K, has DVT, ABS, Luggage ( no top box), heated grips and full crash bars,  full mode riding systems, it will have new tyres and 6 months reg put on it this week.
The number plate is off of my multi, I just did that so I could take it for a ride and see how it felt. It's stonking BTW.
And this is my own personal Multi, its done 25K, had a full service new belts etc etc, new tyres, Akrapovich exhaust ( not the full system just the slip on). The only reason it's on the trailer is because this was the first image I took of it when I  bought it and was bringing it back home. Custom paints as well, I'll throw that in for free haha. I am really enjoying this bike.

So there you have it, some great bikes for sale and some great images to enjoy, catch you all again very soon.