Saturday 29 August 2020

Greetings to you all.  Last week I took a comment about copy write , I was not happy about this, as 99% of the images are sent to me, plus I get a lot from various sites that give me absolutely no information about the photographer, the people, or indeed any content apart from the image, which makes it very difficult to apportion credit where credit is due.
 Well this guy got me at a particularly low moment, and I sat there thinking " why do I even bother". If it's not people like this, it's Moto Guzzi people whinging about having Ducatis on the blog, or Ducati people whinging about having Moto Guzzis or other brands being posted to their facebook pages. I even had one guy who got stuck into me about having Jap Crap on the blog, so when I check his page, all he had was a VFR1000 and an old jap import Datsun, or Toyota, fuck knows what it was but Japanese. I couldn't figure that one out. So at the present I am pretty pissed off with the small minded attitudes of some, who obviously have nothing better to do, but to wring their hands, and have a little gripe about something, anything. I even got taken to task about too many fucking hipsters ( his words not mine). It seems to me that this particular section of motorcycling lifestyles is very much alive and well with customising motorcycles and I applaud them for that. Jesus, really too many Hipsters? . I don't need to be sitting here late at night defending myself. 
I'm reminded of the time when I was sitting in Venice, my VW Kombi had a flat battery and this little Napoleon Bonaparte type cop in riding pants, tall black boots, covered in badges and gold braided pipettes  came up to me and started having a go at me. All in Italian. After about 5 minutes of that I lost my cool and said to him " Fuck You". he puffed himself right up and said back to me in perfect English " Fuck fuck you". I was arrested and marched of to a cell and was given a fine of 12000 lira. I was laughing the entire time.Well that's kind of how I feel about these whingers that have noting better to do.
It's so fucking hard to be nice to these people, when all I am doing is spreading the joys of our sport, our lifestyles and the things we all love. So please enjoy ( those that have the capacity to anyway).

Now I like the hipster style, but you guys have to wear socks. C'mon I mean really?

My old Le man 3 when it was being painted


An Indian handling test by the looks of it, haha, just joking

That definitely wont buff out. Zarcho's Ducati after the Austrian MotoGP

I'm still looking for one

Even after taking his hands off of the bars he still out accelerated Rossi

have to say the KTM is a damned attractive motorcycle

It takes a lot of time and some money to get the exact correct decals for the restorations

Love the color of the sportster


OIl rigs that power themselves

A view I have had the pleasure of looking at for several thousands of K's

This is what happens when you have no brakes and have to jump off at 200kph

Saw one of these for sale the other day for $1000.00, what a bargain, this is what you can do, build your own little special.

We do this in New Zealand, it's called fun.

Rally in the old days was a bit fraught.

A view I know ohhh so well

Now this is a truck. I love it

What a pretty Guzzi, well done that man

Hmmm still not sure, I know they go like a cut cat off of the line but ,,,,you know what i mean

Love these machines, if you've never had the opportunity to ride an older two stroke try and give it a go.
I'm nearly over it as well. See you all next week, maybe?

OK, that's really it for this week, I hope you've all enjoyed this.


  1. Misentropy. That's the solution. The older you get, the greater it gets.
    It's so easy to be the one to slurr, to accuse.
    I would like to drown this nasty trickle in a flood of applause.

    Shun the evil bastards.
    Keep spreading joy and pleasure.
    Thank you for your blog.

  2. Misentropy. That's the solution. The older you get, the greater it gets.
    It's so easy to be the one to slurr, to accuse.
    I would like to drown this nasty trickle in a flood of applause.

    Shun the evil bastards.
    Keep spreading joy and pleasure.
    Thank you for your blog.

  3. Please don't stop - One of the highlights of my week is scrolling through the pics / memories...

  4. Well i always look forward to great selection of lifestyle photos, do not listen to the trolls. Just a pack of arseholes that would whinge about anything and everyone.Keep up the great work.

  5. I await your blog every week, I love it. Don’t stop. You may come from the bottom of the world but the fact that you did dispatching in London during the 80s makes you ok with me (honorary londoner) Keep up the good work brother

  6. Love the pics of every make of bike Grant !!
    Its simply the essence of motorcycling that is totally intoxicating !!
    Please keep the pics coming and forget the negatives
    Its all positive from here.

  7. Mate, fuck them all. Enough of the cancel culture already... Top job you do every week bringing us glimpses of all sorts of interesting and arty stuff. If you are ever around South Auckland and in need of a shed visit - bikes, cars, engineering and a decent coffee, happy to extend a welcome.

  8. Thanks man. I sit down every week with a beer and a record and chill out checking out your blog then I share it with mates. Try to not let the wankers get to you.

  9. Brilliant every week mate. Stay on it and ignore the weirdos.

  10. Just keep posting - many more on here who appreciate and look forward to your weekly outputs

  11. Thanks, as always. Like others this is something that I really look forward to. My advice would be to simply block anyone who says BS about your awesome blog. Require a login, block the wankers. I am certain it would help.

  12. The whiners and whingers...
    fuck 'em, in large lumps.

    Carry on bloke, you're doin' a spot on job.

  13. I may not like everything I see, but I sure do see everything I like, here.

  14. Don't let the bastards grind you down; it's either jealousy or they need to grow up. Remember what Lincoln said.

  15. Grant, unfortunately criticism seems to have become an integral part of an online presence. Ignore the bastards, stay true to yourself, cause most of us here love what you do.Thanks!

  16. Just keep up the great work and ignore the critics.

  17. Keep it up mate! A shining light of positivity in a dreary "we are all doomed" world. Love the blog and appreciate the effort. Stuff the negative tossers.

  18. I am sure there are a lot more viewers out there that enjoy this blog and the sumptuous images ,the least they could do is drop a note and acknowledge this ,I feel guilty when all I need to do is sit on my arse with a glass of good and lean on the scroll button to enjoy the fruits of your labor .fk the knockers !

  19. See all the above comments. Everyone loves ya Grunter! Tell the knockers to get a door in them! A Labradoor!!

  20. Once again, a splendid collection!
    Thanks for taking the time, dude.
    This blog is the interweb highlight of my week ����

  21. Fuck them all, as I grow older my patience for the human race decreases at an alarming rate. It's only a matter of time before I punch someone right in there mask covered face. Keep up the good work mate!

  22. As usual, bloody good entertainment. WTF though, you’ve got pictures of all sorts of bikes on this thing, this has to stop....don’t be late with the next episode aye! 🍺🀣

  23. Absolutely fantastic Grant, don’t stop for the majority of people who love the art and style that you put in... can’t wait for the next instalment

  24. Sensational Grant, as always. Not too sure what to say in a polite manner about the naysayers. A meeting with Barry would certainly sort them out.

  25. Always a weekly treat to scroll through the amazing images you compile, how you find the time and motivation is beyond me but I'm in awe of it week in week out. Thanks Grant, long may it continue.

  26. Great blog Grant
    Please simply ignore the negative and do what you do
    Each and every image is worthy

  27. Another great collection of images. Thank you Grant.

    Fuck the Tossers.

  28. Stunning photos and subjects. Ignore the fukwit whingers, keep on doing what ya doin!

  29. Beautiful set of photos!πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

