Sunday 21 June 2020

Well inst our world a mixed up shook up place at the moment, first Convid 19 now BLM, then statues. We are certainly giving the conspiracy theorists a very rich vein to dig. Anti vaxxers thinking we are being chipped through vaccines, Trump this, Trump that, The Chinese did it, North Korea did it, murder Hornets, we missed murder hornets, racial riots, world wide shut down  I think 2020 is going to go down as everyone's Anus Horribilis . It's going to be like 2017,2018, 2019, 2021, and everyone's going to be saying how what about....and we say nope we don't talk about that year.  It's just a bloody well, that the blog stays the same and keeps up the standards that all motorcyclists adhere to. That of getting out on your bike and forgetting the shit that the world seems to be in. I'm a firm believer in this, "If everyone rode a motorcycle, we would not have half the trouble we have". People would be happier, more accepting, wave to one another on the road, stop and have a chat on the side of road with a complete motorcycling stranger, say G'day to people you don't even know in a roadside cafe somewhere. You get my drift. So rant over, or my three point 4 cents worth, here's this weeks blog for you all to escape into for a short while. Take it easy my internet friends and try and be more accepting of others who are not as fortunate as we who have discovered motorcycling.
So apologies for not getting the blog out this weekend, I was away, fishing in Turangi.

 Always loved this bike, from the moment that i saw it.

 Still crazy after all these years

Quite a stunning motorcycle for a 'standard' model. Don't they do a great job.
I've always loved the harris framed motorcycles, thgis one looks like it's going to be a stunner

Very pretty

 Where did they all go?

I know it's a photo shopped image, but interesting to see where some builders are going

 The bikes of my youth, and also the dreams

From my all time favourite cafe Prefab of Wellington, if your in that town go there.

Again from Prefab, the food is the best in the city

Are you brave enough

Ohh Ohh the power and the glory

These guys are out there trying to give it their all.

Hmmmm, not too sure about this one, but you can see the hours hours put into it.

A desmo single in it's element, hard out charging up a small country road. If you ever get the chance to ride one, do so, you will come away with a grin a mile wide.

This is one beautiful motorcycle

Road food at it's finest. $22.00 and worth every damn cent.

Noice mite, noice

Getting the R Nine T racer down, well done that man

Only going the weekend?

You want me to say something, nothing needs to be said.

Pretty little motorcycle

Not the prettiest MV in the world, but it's someones idea, so there you go,.

 A very very early GT. perhaps up until recently one of the most underated motorcycles to come out of Ducati, but now everyone knows about them.

 That's one way to take a clutch out I suppose. Must have given the driver a fricken fright

So there you have it, another episode of very fine motorcycle images for your entertainment. Hope you enjoyed it, please like this on facebook, and share with your mates. I have had a message from one group, who when they have parties or gatherings they project the blog up onto a wall and screen the images. That makes me happy, enjoy.


  1. Thanks Grant, some fine foto fodder for the desktop.

  2. Some lovely headlights and awesome exhausts there Grunter ;-)
