Sunday, 9 March 2025

Hola to the faithful, how's it all going out there. Been a busy few weeks, Wellington for trials,  Motofest this past weekend and Tauranga for the NDR which was a pretty good affair,.. Can't believe how many brand new Ducati's are on the road, and most of them with thousands of dollars worth of accessories too. Good to see. We turned up on the Friday on a nice group of bevels which was great fun. There was 1 bevel there where the guy had ridden over 3000k's to attend. That was a bloody great effort I thought. Once you get them running sweet they seem to stay that way. I met quite a few people who follow the blog as well, even got called "infamous', that made me laugh. Even had one guy talking about the blog without him knowing that I was sitting almost right beside him, that cracked ,me up. So made some new acquaintances and met some old friends, all in all a pretty good couple of days. Our Lizard ride is coming up in a couple of weeks , looking forward to that now. I was a bit hesitant, but things have changed a bit and now, bring it on. I just hope the weather is going to be like last year i.e. no rain. So what does this weeks blog have in store for you? Well as per the norm a bit of everything, and a bit of nothing but exceptional images for you to muse over.  It never ceases to amaze me just how many images there are, they just seem to keep coming. So in light of that here they are, coming to you for your entertainment. Enjoy and share.

I want one. This is on my list of bikes to get from Japan.

There was a discussion about LEDA leathers a couple of weeks back. NZ made and abused. fantastic kit, but unfortunately all over now.

A great shot of Wanganui Cemetery circuit racing.

God these things got a hammering when they came out. What a motorcycle eh?


Liam's lid looks lovely