Wednesday 10 April 2024

Well it's nice to see you all back. Welcome to the best little blog in the world z( if I do say so myself). The big ride down south has now been consigned to the memory banks, it sure was a lot of fun. I had a great time it has to be said. My travelling up and down the island has calmed down somewhat, with only three more trips planned in the next two months. 1 to Matikana to pick up a customers bike and two to Wellies to resume my trials, and to pick up three Ducati Multistrada motorcycles. My duc is in for its big Desmo service at the moment, so I am not too sure if I will sell mine and take one of the three I am picking up or whether I keep this one. I have to say they are a stonking motorcycle, but I do have the need for luggage and I cant seem to find original Ducati luggage for it without spending an arm and a leg to get it. All three new ( to me) have luggage and I want that.. So I will have one of the Multistradas' for sale soon if anyone is interested. The other two are sold. I went out for a ride the other day with a sub group of lizards ( classic bikes) on my T3. I got caught behind some traffic going down the Kaimais and lost the guys in front, so once I got to the bottom, I opened up the Guzzi, it hasn't had a ride out in ages, and I just laughed my entire way across the Waikato. The bike was singing along doing 90-140K's ( bloody Italian gauges the needle was bouncing everywhere). What a pure joy to have an old motorcycle singing it's heart out, and the seat was comfortable, something the Multistrada doesn't have. It handles so well being so long and the sound is glorious, and all on bicycle tyres But having said that, you temper any ride on an old Italian motorcycle with a bit of caution and sure enough, the first hints at trouble, a persistent but mild back fire and popping of the exhaust and then the slow glow of a red gauge light. Oh ohh. The bike made it home after some spirited riding along my back road and it got me to where I wanted to be. It sat there at a very quiet and steady idle with no rattles oil leaks or bolts fallen off, but with a bright glowing red light. The headlight was not working, and as I've always said about Guzzi, if your going to have a problem, it's always behind the headlight. So today it's lights out ( that's funny), and time to dig around in the mass of wiring to see what is going on. Now I'm no electrical whiz by any stretch of the imagination ( think of a dead fishes eyes) I find electrical shit pretty daunting, but I'm hoping that something is immediately evident and I can sort it. Then I have to get the plate off of hold ( 2 years now), get it warranted and ready for next summer. The joys of riding eh?. So now get to it and gaze upon the wonderful world of motorcycling and what people have to offer for your enjoyment and dreams.

My old Woody, what a machine this was.

Wow, that's an amazing shot, I think they call it tyre deformation

This is THE guy who started on Any Sunday

Nearly OK to eat.

Love the new Honda color schemes this year
powering off of a wave, it's amazing how fast these things are.

Definitely OK to eat.

I want to be there NOW!!!!!

It's funny, we crave roads like this only so we can straighten them out.

There's a message in this.

Eddie, never seen a green helmet in his helmet style

Check that crowd out. Oh the good old days

These ladies are now all grandmothers. Haha

personally this was Verstappen's shame. Should have come to the aid of Hamilton as opposed to walking past him.

Arguably the best rider that we have in NZ right now. Jesse Stroud, this guy is fearless.
Much underrated motorcycle. They will rocket in price over the next few yaers.

The boys are back in COTA this weekend, cant wait. My pick? M Marquez, it's his track really

Must admit they look pretty good

A Russian submarine cut in half. Shit they cram a whole lot in there.

 It's oh so close. If the fuckwit in Te Awamutu hadn't fucked up the rear rim and new spokes it would be back on the road by now. We will have words

So that's all folks. Hope you enjoyed a few quiet moments to yourselves looking through this. Keep the comments coming and share the fuck oout of the blog. See you in a few weeks


  1. Thanks for you effort. Very much appreciated. Keep up thr great work.

  2. Always a pleasure when the blog pops up. Thank you Grant.

  3. Awesome stuff Grant keep up the great work bud

  4. I enjoyed the blog , as usual, thanks.

  5. thanks for sharing your searched images ,always a pleasure to roll through on the weekend and gather some inspiration to do some creative shit

  6. Awesome work as always
