Sunday 5 May 2024

Well things have settles down, the big ride for the year is done and dusted. The body has nearly recovered and it's time to get the bikes settled in for winter. I like this time of the year, the occasional stunning day is always a good day to get the Guzzi out. It seems to enjoy the cooler air, and runs like a top. It has not been with out it's foibles though. The electrics have been playing up a bit of late but I think we are finally sorting that out with a new rectifier. It's always electrics on these Guzzi's. The engine is a tractor, but the electrics always seem to be an issue. Just one of life's things I suppose. The Blog seems to be taking off again. I always notice my Northern hemisphere readers seem to lessen somewhat at this time of year, due to them getting the nice weather and being able to get out on their bikes. There is a definite uptake from South Africa which is quite pleasing and from Japan as well. Also at this time of the year, it's time to get the fishing gear out and get that ready for an assault on the rivers. So can't wait for that. I think I am going to hit them with a vengeance this year, and get stuck right into it. For those of you who have asked, my health is pretty good, I'm right back into a new drug trial that should show some promise according to the information that we have. But as I have said, it is what it is and I will place my health in the hands of those that know far more than me. A bit like Guzzi electrics. I still shake me head when it comes to that. I have absolutely no idea how they sort out that jumble behind the headlight. Story of my life really, there's some parallels in their. Anyways good folk, enjoy the blog. I know you all enjoy it cheers

Stopped in a shop in Wanaka a couple of weeks ago and they had an Indian bagger racer like this on the floor. $178,000.00. It was a very very nice motorcycle.

F1 brakes sure do look a bit complicated

A CX 500 at the IOMTT. he did a 90 MPH lap on it. I think he could have gone faster if he didn't have to do so many deliveries on the way round.

The first day of the ride down south and I find myself at my old haunts in Wellington. The following images are from that ride, i cant recall if I put them in before but here they are. It was a pretty epic trip for me anyways, dealing with new drugs, and riding in places that I have never ridden in before. So all in all a pretty good rife. A big thanks to Mick for arranging it all, and to all the lizards who made it a memorable event.

two old geezers who in their day lit up our tracks and gave us some pretty goof memories

Stomachs in haha.

It was a big turn out for this years ride.



  1. Always entertaining, thanks

  2. Brilliant as usual Grant, thankyou !!

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  4. Excellent selection again, Thank you !

  5. Thanks Grant, a refreshing and enjoyable blog as always!

  6. thanks for the nice moments of life distraction ,some big "twins"in this edition ,love that pulsing power
