Monday 28 November 2022

Getting out that last blog has got me into action. Kind of lost for words really as to what to say, because I haven't done a blog for a while ( I've been working on bikes and fishing strangely enough), I'm kind of out of practice I guess. I've managed to get the R Nine T finished ( it's in being complied as I type), and currently have a Ducati Paso sitting on the bench taking up my attention. I've decided to sell a couple of the bikes I have. So the 851 is going, the workshop queen ( an unfinished project 996 ST4 turned into a TT type bike), and just maybe the ZRX. But I am still undecided as to which ones and when. So I will keep the Moto Guzzi, the F1, the Paso's and my new ( to arrive ) Desert X. I've had a very strange couple of weeks here, it has to be said. School Yard shit really, I'm relaxed about it as it's easily proven wrong, but for some that seems to be a bit of an issue. So as a result of this, I've been moving towards moving again and have decided to get down to what I really love, and that's my trout fishing. I was always going to end up doing that, but I have kind of been nudged a bit closer and sooner to that ultimate outcome. Some people will have that effect on you. Haven't managed to get out for a ride, had plenty of opportunities, but never quite seem to get around to it. Summer is nearly here and there a couple of rides coming up, so must get up off of my arse and get out there. The same goes for you all.

back in the day

Lovely paint

Noe that's an engine!!!!!
I never used to like these, but a friend has one that has been altered, but the more I look at the images of these I am starting to really like them.

Hmmm I wish i had never , wait never mind I did and now it's gone

The jury is out I'm afraid

Beautiful motorcycle

These boys know how to ride that's for sure
What a stunning motorcycle

You've got to love a great tool chest

I need to get out and ride this thing

I didn't like these when they came out, but a lot of people I know did, and rave about them.

Noice work mite , noice

That's torn it.
Now I do like this, absolutely stunning.

An image of me back in the day, running slicks, so this must be a bears meeting. I think I won that weekend. Still couldn't get my knee down though haha

All packed and ready to go.

beautiful steel art

Well thats torn that
Form and function

Call me sick, but I do love them

My all time favourite place to be. Barcelona

It looks pretty bloody different these days, but you can still see the DNA in there


There's no traction there

By todays money, there's a few million dollars worth of split screens in this image

If in doubt, gas it out