Saturday 19 June 2021

Hello, and welcome back to the best little motorcycle blog in the universe. I've had over 50000 hits this year to date, so thanks to all of you who are sharing this around. I've been back to Wellington this last week to have my big yearly check-up, and while it was OK, it wasn't good. But there you have it, just another step along the way I suppose. Been getting lots of calls this past week, the Kawasaki is nearly resolved, this is good, as it's taken 18 months to get to the bottom of the issues. The Guzzi is nearly ready for it's last journey to have the thing all started up and running. I can't wait for that. My garage is another matter. I am staggered that things actually get built in this country, but again it is what it is, and if you want to be legal ( which I have to business wise). Small steps. It looks like I have managed to secure a great 916 SP3 for a mate of mine. It's been sitting in a shed for 20 odd years and is now all set to be revived. Always nice to be surrounded by nice Ducatis even if they aren't all mine. Looking forward to having a ride on it though. So another trip to Wellington which I don't mind, it means that we will get a fish on the way down. The weather is helping me here, all this rain is going to make the rivers and the  fishing fantastic, and I need to get my head into the river for a couple of days. So it's been busy and here's this weeks blog for you all, please enjoy and share some more.

Wanganui, bringing motorcycling to you for ohhh years

One of the best color schemes I've ever seen, bravo

Lizards out there doing it

There's quite a few KTM's in our rides these days

A very very cool time piece

a big ups to this gentleman, well done sir.



  1. Thank you as always for your wisdom and insight. Beautiful things, some well out of reach are none the less beautiful and makes me glad that I do appreciate exotics as well as domestic brands.

  2. nzirish ,good point ,Grant has just had a check up ,could be doctors orders ,just trout now perhaps

  3. Thank you. Wishing you good health.
