Saturday 2 September 2023

Right then, the blog, it's been a while, but I managed to sit down last night and pen a few words, while waiting for the MotoGP to come on. It's been a funny few months, funny strange I mean. I have had a number of life long friends telling me "hey what's up with you, are you alright?" I have been a bit 'off' lately, not myself and not very social, this concerns me.  so on with the good things in life

Poor little Guzzi, how can this happen?

Loaded up and ready to ride for a couple of years by the looks of it. I always admire people who have the conviction to actually do this.

Still pretty

power, built by man

This is a painting, not a photo, I admire people who can do this

I've always wanted one

Lots of money on the side of the road

there was something about some of the poms bikes where they got it just right

But the Italians always had it

EL21 on tour haha

The late great Robert Holden. Such a tragedy

Container homes are fantastic

I've actually seen this fairing hanging on a wall. Some claim to have it, but I know where it really is.

Engines produce heat, which kills power, so some spend an awful lot of time making things cool, and in the process make it really cool

What goers on underneath

Why? Just why?

Things are going to get bad real quick

Those that know, know


Never thought about it before, but the camera man must be able to really ride

I am currently restoring one of these stunning bikes

A harley Desmosen

And last , this image is of me at the SBK meeting at Manfield. It's the best shot I've ever seen of me, so it's here. Thanks Don Tustin

Well that's all folk, enjoy spring and perhaps I will see you out there on a corner somewhere, or in a cafe. Ride fast.


  1. Tell those homos to fuck off mate😎

  2. Grant I do know how powerfull our brains can be in the way we think, I also think you have made a great step forward in writing about what's being going on in your life. While we have never met all I can say find those mates who can support and listern. All the best going forward.

  3. I am a Christian, but fuck them

  4. I think we must be related! Keep at it!

  5. The friend came to sound you out not to seek slice he is the one who needs to talk to your muted mate if he is happy you didn't betray careful to much explanation of innocense can also be taken the wrong way particularly if friends have been jealous of your achievements

    1. Solice not do you have a photo of her....just kidding

  6. Cheers Grant ,much appreciate this wonderful blog ,the fact you spend precious time complying this for our viewing pleasure speaks volumes of your character ,best you let that shit you are going through slide ,its a tremendous waste of energy which is so precious to our ageing bodys and souls ,you can never control how others handle their shit ,who knows this guy may have dodged a bullet from a major train wreck down the line
