Wednesday 15 November 2023

 Welcome one and all. Just bumped into a guy that follows the best little motorcycle blog in the world. He asked me about my love of motorcycling and said he could see that I was very passionate about this particular path I have chosen. I thought about the conversation on the way home and got to thinking about the pastimes and life style that has appeared before me and thought of all the decisions that I have made through motorcycling that have directed my life to this juncture. I've meet some petty interesting characters that's for sure and forged life long mates as a result. Some decisions have been poorly formed and executed some not so. Doing a runner as a teen ager from the poo poo, turning down that road or up that lane, showing everyone how well you cant wheel stand, going around the dirt track in the wrong direction after agreeing which way to go in the first place, all decisions that have changed and altered my life. As I said some good, some bad. Then I got to thinking about my other pastimes, do they match to the motorcycling world? I came to trout fishing, a pastime that has for the past 25 years filled me with the utmost joy, the excitement of heading to a river bank, and letting out line to throw a nice long cast across some calm flowing water in the elusive hunt for trout. I Just love being on the water and feeling the flow. The almost imperceptible tug on the rod before all hell breaks loose, is something that I live for. Motorcycling is the same, pulling on the helmet and starting up a bike, the concentration that gets focused to just in front of you is something that not a lot of people get to experience. I was sitting in my garage with 4 or 5 of my mates yesterday and was listening to them talking about bikes and garages and tools, and shit, and it reminded me of how good life can be. You've all noted my darkness for the past few months bought on by various factors and people who should know better, but I just had to smile and give thanks to the people who care and the lifestyles that matter. So thank you to those people who make my life so good, I do appreciate each and everyone of you.

Plain and simple. This motorcycle started a long period of hooliganism for a whole lot of people

2 A ussies end up in the litter and that kiwi bloke slides on through. magic.

The impulse, I recall hundreds of them in F3 back in the day, cheap and fast

My T3, I love it

I cooked this one up about three years ago.
The wall of death until I broke my wrist

You wouldn't be able to hear for days after that

Starting to understand why services cost so much

One I prepared earlier

Had one of these, it was epic

Many a girl nearly got pregnant in these

They take a whole lot of abuse

The fastest Britten rider, this year at Wanganui dropped everyone's jaws, it was one of the most dominant displays of a motorcycle racing

Air conditioning now incorporated

F1 piston, look how short that conrod is

Ducati MotoGP frame

That's all for this week champions thanks for calling by appreciate that. Have a great weekend, and I hope this weekends of the Ducati Paso gathering goes well. Sorry I couldn't  be there.


  1. Brilliant as always, some of the colours chosen in those custom builds are amazing.

  2. Always a good watch/read. You coming down the the Southern Classic?

  3. Always appreciated thanks Grant. Always thought provoking.

  4. An excellent read as usual, thanks

  5. you make my day every time this comes up .Thank You Grant

  6. Stunning pics of amazing engineering! Thank you.

  7. Brilliant work as always 👏
