Wednesday 11 September 2024

Hey y'all out there. Well I'm well and truly on the mend which is a bloody good thing. And looking forward to some spring riding. Did a wee trip over the Coromandel a week or so back which was nice. Took things pretty easy but I lasted the distance. I've put my name down to attend the Ducati Rally which is here in Tauranga, so thought " I could ride the 8 kilometers there no worries". So looking forward to that. I've just bought another Multistrada. I actually put my name on it when it first came up in Japan and it's taken ta few months to get here. I dont actually need it, but there you go. So I will be picking it up from Customs in a couple of weeks once its been cleared and will get it ready for sale. I've got my eyes on a couple more Ducatis but will have to wait and see how they pan out. The riding group I belong to is arranging another ride in a couple of months time, this time to Taupo. Not a long stretch for us here but a couple of the group are riding up from the Sth Island which is pretty amazing for a weekend ride. I'm going to be taking some of the lads out on my mates boat for an afternoon of fishing, shooting and general whisky drinking, so looking forward to that. It's good to have plans again. So I had better get on with this and stop the blah blahing, here it is enjoy.

Say what you will about them, but they are a pretty bloody good motorcycle, and pretty nice to look at as well. 

Like chocolates in a box

As it should be too.
One of the Lizard group back in the day. D'Dog.

Still going strong Malcolm Smith  from On Any Sunday fame.

I read the other day that Marilyn had an IQ of 162. Pretty amazing really, Beauty and brains

A very handsome motorcycle and a fantastic restoration as well.

That must cause some damage.

Jessie Stroud is heading overseas very soon. I wish him well and all the success he deserves.

Vale on Eddies bike. What a motorcycle that is. To me still one of the best looking race bikes ever built, and ridden by the best Grand Prix rider ever.

Very tidy resto mod. Like this alot

The sexiest rear end ever.

Jesus these things look bloody alien dont they? Pretty mean looking motorcycle that's for sure.

Well it took the best part of this year to come to terms with the Ducati , but with a 3 wins under his belt everyone will be looking over their shoulders.

At $80K each in todays market I wonder how much this little lot would be worth today.

That's a nice ending don't you think.

See you all again real soon.


  1. Fantastic once again thanks Grant, man that bike and rider is close to that stone wall..

  2. Another great blog....thanks Grant

  3. Another excellent edition

  4. Cheers Grant, great to hear your health is improving 😄

  5. do spend too much time surfing the net but never seem to find the images you post so it is always refreshing to get the blog

  6. Fabulous yet again! Thank you.
