Go grab a coffee and get ready for an hour or so of quiet solitude and man enjoyment.( plus 1 girl enjoyment)
I love these old 916 racers, they truly revolutionized the superbike world of racing
See that's what happens when your shirt is too long, you cant stretch out to get out of the way of what ever that is, is it a goat or a very large sheep?. Fuck it gives him a bunt when you watch it, he flies for a good few meters, anyways he's out of there exit stage right.
Man food, it's all here, bacon, cheese, bread, big knives, coffee
The shuttle is the most powerful thing that man has ever made
Had a big discussion over a few beers the other night about what constitutes food and proper food. This image is NOT PROPER FOOD, even though it looks like it. Why? It has chick peas in it, if it had bloke peas then OK, but this is not man food.
Mr. Stewart in a sandwich of noise and spinning wheels
This must be a pick up truck phnaaarrr
What a lovely Mustang, love the interior
Yamaha M1 engine exposed. Looks like the titanium elves have been hard at work too.
This is man food despite the fact that it's sitting on a bed of greens, that's OK because you don't have to go that far down.
I would be happy here
Check out the percussion in the water, I wouldn't want to be on those hills
You know those night thermal images that they show of the Muricans blowing the shit out of those goat farmers in long shirts at night and you see the ground around the little white running men bursting up all over the place, this is what they are shooting!!!!! Fuck check out the size of that shell will you, no wonder they get blown to pieces
Pikes peak, they way it was.
Amazing photo
Cool pic before the candle is lit
Well hello to you two too..........................
You know that I love good paint, this is good paint
You'd need an iron horse arse for this seat.
I like this Moto Guzzi, it has attitude in spades
Rossis many helmets on show
Check out how clean this engine work is.
I followed one of these into town the other day, it looked like a handful, check the front forks, obviously got his geometry wrong
Now this is nice
Coffee and cigarettes perfect
Brand new barn find, yeehaa wouldn't that be nice
Sophia was/is beautiful no doubt
Some guys just have real nice taste that's all, simple
Another discussion we had was the putting of fruit into beers, "oh it's got good citrus notes, and you can taste the lemon, or the gooseberry". be fucked there's only two things that go into a glass of beer, that's beer and your top lip, end of story, the only good thing in beer is beer. Are we clear?
I found this photo, well quite riveting actually
Check the lamination work on this
Nice wee time piece
Classic beauty
The original fuel lines too
Always liked these little 750F1 Racers
V Tidy MV
The older wiser dogs
This is a diesel no really it is, stupid eh?
Who remembers this scene, classic
I had T slots on my Vauxhall Victor , hey it was a 6 cylinder 3.3 litre
Just dorks mate just dorks
I can see Kansas from here
A lovely bit of kit, there's a couple of nice ones in Wellington
Nice legs what time do they open ha ha ha
Clever back then they were
Old school with brand new Indian in it, how cool is this
Ducati jelly tank, possibly the nicest mass formed petrol tank to hold fuel
Who remembers these guys and girls
This is how I feel sometimes after putting one of these together for you to enjoy so Bravo you made it through another installment, glad you enjoyed it, now be quiet as you slip back down the hall towards the bedroom, it's late remember
Loved the de Tomaso, both pics. Geoff