These are my all time favourite bikes, i was plumbing for a GSXR750 G or H model as my 100th owner motorcycle, but if one of these as nice as this comes up, i could be very tempted.

Nascar is a wonderful place for quality engineering, All from Billet.
The very first air show in Paris, all colored up for your modern day enjoyment
This is the house of Horse power.
Now just stop for a minute and check this out, how amazingly beautiful is this craftmanship

The depot in Auckland, is a place for you all to go, best food in New Zealand
Contrary to it's looks this is man food.
Photo by Michael Breen
The Depot does vegetables for men.
Now have a look again, there is something wrong with this image. This is the only Triumph four cylinder that they made up until latter days. It was a triple originally which is what went into production but they built this one too.
Yes some whiskeys can make you do this all the while making you think it's a great idea.
One must have ones feet on ones footpegs mustn't one.
Michael Breens magic again
Nice pipes, Corvette in Christchurch, photo by Michael Breen, I have to keep saying that else wise he will tell me orf.
Weren't we so cool in the day
Or Not
This guy was talking about road safety for motorcyclists
The Gold Coast Indy 300 race, was there watching these lunatics smoking through the apartment buildings
Nice mass produced swingarm, KTM take a bow.
I like well made Guzzi's and this one is up there that's for sure.
Well I guess that disproves the myth about their flying skills, either that or he was hauling ass and couldn't take the turn,

I'd be running too!!!!!
I laughed when I saw this
No No Noooooo this is going to hurt
A lonely track and two big bikes, perfect
Ha ha I need some of this
I love Paris in the morning, well that's the name she gave me anyway
Well what would you expect when you put your camera down right here. cracked me up.
Nice watch
I do like a good woody
And that is a wrap for this week, to finish a lovely little Ducati form the late 60's. Have a great week, enjoy your rides, take care and see you all next week.
Good choice on the ZRX first picture I just got one after 20 years of wanting one and it's all that I thought it would be you got some awesome pictures in there nice job!