Thursday 1 April 2021

Happy Easter Champions, hope all is going well in your worlds. Well things are trippin along here, I certainly cant wait to have my new business premises ( read garage) built. It's still with the council but that's OK. So until I get the paperwork I'm quite relaxed about the situation. My doctors told me to reduce stress, and that certainly appears to be working for me. I cant stress that enough, you need to take the time to take the time. Thank god for motorcycles. I've been out and about on the Diavel quite a bit which has been very good for the soul. Spent a day in Auckland last week. had an amazing day really, a Facebook friend Gavin, lent me his Guzzi for the day so that we could put it right beside mine and work out where all the electrics went. I was blown away by Gavin's generosity in doing that as it really helped us out. I mean there are not many people who only know you from FB and yet are quite happy to give you their bike. So I owe this man a few bottles of red thats for sure. The Diavel is getting a new rear shock today thanks to the power of Facebook. $250.00 for a refurbished one plus my old shock, so I thought that was a great deal. However Ducati in their infinite wisdom installed the shock in such a manner that you need to remove the swingarm, break your new chain, remove the tank, spend 3 hours in your lockup looking for the rear wheel socket to take the wheel of. It is a drama. So not having a workshop of tools, it's back in the shop today having that done. I love my Ducati's as you know, but sometimes you just want to rip your hair out. Next conundrum for me to work out is my Kawasaki ZRX, which is still sitting up north at my mate Tim's workshop Moto Benzina. I'd love that back soon too. I feel sorry for Tim having dropped that one on him from a great height. But we will get there in the end I'm sure. So my life seems to be waiting for projects to get done. Oh well must be time for a gathering of lizards and head on out on a  Lizard ride to the South island again. See you all in a couple of weeks. Enjoy this weeks installment.

Wandering through Wellington one night and all these Harleys had been left outside with the keys in them. Apparently it was blamed on the 'stoners'. haha

Noice mite Noice

The same but different

Pretty little Italians all in a row.

I discussed this photo with Randy a few years back at a BBQ, He told me these things were vicious 

Nice garage
Hmmmm, not to sure if I should even say anything

Oh how I wish this was me. But in a couple of months time it will be o a regular basis.

Ohhh Noooooooo
I rode one of these about a week after they were released here. I thought it was amazing

Ohhh Nooo, all those cars destroyed


Oh yes, for those of you who don't know about this, lets keep it that way ha ha

This is nice


Jesus that must have made some noise when they came in?

I laughed when I saw this image

 Well the MotoGp was not quite what we would have expected, Ducati certainly have the start mechanism sorted and that extra 20KPH down the front straight was great until they turned the power down to make it last the race. They need to do some work.

How much would you pay for a new one.

Haha, I'll just keep going

Above and below, Ducati certainly has changed in the last 25 odd years.

My how times.....haven't changed

An honorary Lizard chasing some pretty great company


mmmm I like this

If you haven't been there you are missing out, great place to go for an afetrnoon

Imagine getting a building consent in this place, no worries and look at the results

My old Yamaha, I destroyed if foolishly, sad about that

Not me, but I like the sentiment. Ride on enjoy your lives and be nice to others. If you have wronged someone, go and fucking apologise, friends are few and far between.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. given that i'm "only" a ducati specialist, and not bound in any way to the company or requirements to serve all their customers, i don't work on diavel any more. was a good day the day i made that decision. they are not enjoyable to work on.

  3. Bike shed London. Great venue and great show in tobacco docks every year... Another good showing Grant. Hope the permit for the workshop comes through in a timely manner. Have a great week.

  4. Enjoy the South Island !
