Saturday 10 April 2021

Well here I am ,sitting at home while the lizards are off on another adventure around the South Island. I made it to Wellington, but the Diavel decided to jam in gear ( fixed that), but then started jumping out of gear. It turns out that in it's past life it had been dumped on it's side and bent the gear selector shaft and the main return spring for the selector fork was damaged. So I have a new one here, and am just waiting for the bloody garage to be built so that i can set up my workshop and get back to business. I did hase one night with the lizards in Wanganui, and to my surprise the Avenue motel that I have stayed at for bloody years is having a major revamp, and very nice it is too. So if your in Wanganui make it the place to stay. So I limped the Diavel back home, with my foot firmly under the lever, while the others headed south. You know how I always say that when you are petrol stations of cafes, you should always say G'day to other riders, well I stopped in Taihape on the way down and there were two guys ( not young ), one on a Guzzi 850 Adventure and the other on an Aprillia Pesquadoro, pesckycella thing. So I park my Diavel beside them, pay for my gas and hang for a bit. Not once did they even look me in the eye or say G'day. I rode away wondering what was up with that? Never mind it still takes all sorts to ride bike I suppose, even funny buggers. So here I am back in tauranga, the bike in the lock up feeling sorry for itself and I am watching the rain here and the weather where the lads are. So for those of you at home here's this weeks installment to get you through a wet weekend. Enjoy

I'm all about great paint, and this non specific gender or ethnicities is........


When ever a Photo of Rob comes up, I just gotta post it.

I'm missing my roadside breakies.

Power, pure and simple

At the beach hop

Monsters, they really were, but so so much fun.

My other pure pleasure, love this image

Jack, needs a little bit of reigning in, getting serious out there

Now I don't post shit like this, but this one resonated with me, and I thought " wonder what you all think".

Blokes garages back in the day. If only they knew that one day they'd have had a couple of hundred grand of collectables in the drive

Me likey


Noice mite

Managed to do a couple of laps around this place a couple of days ago.

The lizards currently on tour. Wish I was there Boo Hoo

Well folks in the words of Bugs Bunny That's all folks. See you all next week. 


  1. One of your best efforts Grant...outstanding

  2. Brilliant collection as always, and I agree with,Thomas Sowell quote.

  3. Bloody brilliant Grant, please keep it going along with your health.

  4. silver lining for us ,the blog is out early ,hope the FOMO is not biting too hard

  5. Another good showing. Loving the risqué shots...Agree with the Thomas Sowell quote...
    Oh and bikes. I’m off the road until Thursday when the tyre repair man comes and puts a new rear on my desert sled due to a Stanley knife blade embedded in it ffs. Have a great week old chum.

  6. Thank you, and yes, Sowell is right.

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