Tuesday 21 September 2021

So, greetings to you all, the spread of spring is finally happening, and on the local social media sites, I can see the increase in activity as riders begin to get their bikes ready for a hopefully long dry summer. I am always amazed however at some of the incredibly inane questions asked regarding their bikes. And these aren't CB100 bikes, these are super bikes, big fast highly tuned motorcycles. And the general gist is that they all seem to be looking for a cheap fix, or cheaper parts. Now, while I am one of the first to look around for a good price, I do not ever scrimp on good quality. Just last week I saw a guy who had sourced his brake pads, they were half the price and lasted about a month. He was bagging the supplier for providing poor quality and dangerous product. Really" I thought. My advice if you want cheap parts only get those parts if they are in no way related to performance. Screens, luggage, frame plugs, guards that sort of thing, go and fill your boots, but brakes, chains, tyres, fluids filters plugs, never underestimate the quality of original, or guaranteed quality replacement parts. Otherwise, I'll see you in a gutter somewhere, or on the side of the road waiting to be picked up. It's like helmets really. Just last week I found a site that was selling Shoei 93 helmets, the price $14.99 US. Now you just know by looking at that, that there is an issue here. Would I buy it, never, would someone else buy it, probably. Well they deserve everything you are going to get. It's funny because to me this sort of product stands out like dogs balls, and yet peoples gullibility's and naiveties seem to get in the way, searching for that great buy. The old adage " If it sounds to bloody good to be true, then it probably isnt". Having said that though, here's this weeks blog which is to good to be true. So enjoy, oh by the way it's free. Enjoy

On a South Island street somewhere an adventure bike hoists it front wheel, as you should

Norm, Scotty and Bruce. a long long time ago.

Oh my , how lovely is this?

On a lizard ride a couple of years ago. Strangely enough there were too many on the ride and it caused a few issues. By the time the first coffee had been consumed the last one was being ordered. Having said that though, a great bunch of guys with racing stories up the wazoo. The debates about which bike is better, which is worse, can be seen in the park, pretty much every variety of bike here, mainly Euro it had to be said.

Wanganui can bite when it wants to.

Never seen this image of Jason riding this bike. Love it.
Bob, who went on to be Kenny Juniors crew chief

Scotty who went on to become a lizard

Buy it, ride it, race it.

Robert could ride anything

So handsome, there's just noting wrong with this. As contemporary today as it was then.

Wanganui street races always provide spills and thrills.

Robert about to ride another brand of twin.

Actually saw one of these on the road yesterday

Who didn't?

It happens in New Zealand, just like that you get passed by a Britten on a ute.

Even this looks nice, must be the color and the name

I was always a believer in " if your wheelstanding and wheel spinning there isn't anymore"/

What a nice photo.

Kind of makes cuton redundant really

Some track day hack

Noice mite noice

It just fits in

A view I've seen a lot of, miss my Paso

Never likes the black covers, I mean there is some beautiful Italian alloy under that


  1. That white/light blue Moto Martin is Henry Cole’s. Recently refurbed on his series on the TV…. very nice…..

  2. Another great blog….. Thanks buddy

  3. after doing a re run of this blog got to thinking about the images and how we are so drawn to the things that are beautiful and alluring but dangerous ,expensive and require a lot of maintenance if you want the best out of them

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