Monday 30 October 2023

Siting here waiting for parts to arrive and wheels to be tuned. Waiting waiting. Had a bit of a glitch yesterday, Google have changed the base layout of the platform that runs these blogs and I hit reset and poof away went an entire installment of the blog. Pissed off I was. So sat up most of last night and put this one together for you all. Funny, I've done the same with my life actually, hit reset and all the crap has ben deleted. Finally decided to get rid of that, that was not good for me. So I've consigned those people to a small brown box hidden way up on the top shelf, right at the back. They might as well be strangers in a different town. So, I've had lots of open homes, and a few people through my commercial unit, nothing signed as yet, but getting closer I think. Then it will be assess my life and decide what direction to take.. Done a couple of very small rides on the Guzzi, which I love so much. It's noisy, vibrates like hell at standstill, but once on the road it is such a pure pleasure to ride. Every where I go I always get someone come up and talk to me about the bike. I like talking to people about it because it's just that kind of bike.
I like it that bikes can bring people together. Got a ride up north coming up and I'll use the Multistrada for that, but pretty sure the guzzi would do it as well. Looking forward to getting back out there on a bike. Hope the weather is good. As you know I cant stand riding in the rain. So here we are, a quickly bodged together blog for you all to enjoy. Keep the faith and in bikes we trust.

She's pretty packed in there

Love this color on this bike

Perspex rims, what next, looks pretty cool though

ran over a match

Perhaps the nicest bike to be released for the road from Japan
But there is competition

Ago is a sly bugger

Yeah thats going to work

Lovely, just lovely


Ducati went and did it. Looks good

77 HP, Redline 10,400, 670cc go Ducati
That conrod doesnt look too long and the piston is the size of a small dinner plate

This is a good race replica
Wayne out in his shed

So, so nice

away for the year

Hunter S Thompson loved his red Ducati

Lovely billet work here

What can I say that hasn't already been said


1 comment:

  1. Awesome Grant, nice end to a long week!
